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This class contains a collection of classes to represent the results of various transfer operations, including firmware, template, database, and raw binary file transfers.



The Result class provides the result of a transfer operation. This includes the overall success or failure status, detailed error codes for each operation, and logs.


Name Type Description
errorCodeDetails Map< T, ErrorCode> Detailed error codes for each transfer operation, where T represents the value of the transfer operation's argument.
errorCode SummaryErrorCode The summary error code indicating the overall result of the transfer operation.
allLogs List<Log> Logs related to the transfer operation.



enum class SummaryErrorCode(val id: Int) {
    AllSuccess(0 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),
    PartialSuccess(1 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),
    AllFailed(2 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),
    InitializationFailed(3 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),
    InvalidArgument(4 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),
    UnknownError(99 + SummaryErrorCodeBaseID),


Constant Description
AllSuccess All operations were successful.
PartialSuccess Some operations were successful, while others failed.
AllFailed All operations failed.
InitializationFailed The initialization of the operation failed.
InvalidArgument An invalid argument was provided.
UnknownError An unknown error occurred.



enum class ErrorCode(val id: Int) {
    NoError(0 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    UnsupportedFunction(1 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    UnsupportedFunctionByCurrentConnectionInterface(2 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    FileNotFound(3 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    UnsupportedFile(4 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    FileNotForSelectedPrinter(5 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    PrinterStatusError(6 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    ConnectionFailed(7 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    Aborted(8 + ErrorCodeBaseID),
    UnknownError(9 + ErrorCodeBaseID),


Constant Description
NoError The operation was successful.
UnsupportedFunction The function is not supported by the printer.
UnsupportedFunctionByCurrentConnectionInterface The function is not supported by the current connection interface, but may be supported by other interfaces.
FileNotFound The specified file was not found.
UnsupportedFile The file format is not supported, or the file is corrupted.
FileNotForSelectedPrinter The file is not compatible with the selected printer.
PrinterStatusError The printer is in an unresponsive state.
ConnectionFailed The connection to the printer failed.
Aborted The operation was aborted due to cancellation or an error.
UnknownError An unknown error occurred.


Constant Value Description
SummaryErrorCodeBaseID 10000 Base ID for SummaryErrorCode values.
ErrorCodeBaseID 10100 Base ID for ErrorCode values.